Thank you to Nic Corneilson of Lake Majestik, Salacoa Valley Farms and Clover Ranch for purchasing DMR Dynasty 415Z50!
Thank you to Nic Corneilson of Lake Majestik, Salacoa Valley Farms and Clover Ranch for purchasing DMR Dynasty 415Z50!
We are so blessed and completely humbled by the overwhelming support that we received this weekend from some of the greatest cattlemen in the industry. Your investments in our program give us the encouragement to continue striving to be the best. We look forward to working with our new partners to raise great ones. Thank you.
DMR Dynasty 415Z50
Lot 203:
Csonka x Ms Brinks Bright Side 415R23
One of the great prospects sired by Csonka to be offered this sale season or possibly ever. His sire needs little introduction to the breed as he has left numerous outstanding progeny. Dynasty presents himself as an elite individual among those progeny. His data shows an outstanding AWW of 764lb to ratio 106 he went in an extremely strong contemporary group to record an AYW 365 of 1346lb to ratio 112. His ultrasound results were also equally impressive with an AREA of 17.8 to ratio 114, and an AIMF of 5.74 to ratio 118. His EPD's rank him in the top 20% of breed for WW and YW and the top 10% for Milk and M&G, top 25% for REA, to p35% for IMF and top 1% for scrotal. He bred cows naturally at Draggin' M this summer, retained his fleshing ability and handled that job exceptionally well for a yearling. Dynasty dominated his contemporary group phenotypically with his moderate frame size, depth of rib, thickness of top and rear quarter and overall structural correctness. He has several full brothers in this offering that add to his credibility because of their impressive data and phenotypic correctness. Dynasty's dam has been a tremendous producing donor cow, for Draggin' M and Cavender Ranches. We encourage you to evaluate this exciting young prospect that excels in growth, maternal and carcass traits. Selling 1/2 interest and possession, Draggin' M retains 1/2 interest.